Cebu’s Highest Point: Osmeña Peak

One of the premier provinces of the south, Cebu has more to offer than its lechon, danggit, and dried mangoes. The town of Dalaguete is located in the southern part of Cebu Island and is about a three-hour land ride from Mactan Airport.

The town is regarded as the province’s highest point of Cebu, which explains the climate that makes Dalaguete the “Vegetable Basket of Cebu.”

Unlike other towns in Cebu, Dalaguete remained off-the-beaten track. It’s also more laid-back; the food there is cheaper, too. One of the must-eats is their version of torta.

A must-see in this part of Cebu is Osmeña Peak, which stands 1013+ meters above sea level (MASL). Its summit can be reached after a 30-minute trek following an exhilarating habal-habal ride.

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We endured a 40-minute butt-numbing boat ride, but soon enough, a paroxysm of serenity superseded personal huff. What a pleasant view have we been sent! Quite an irony from the ugly view of Carrascal and Claver’s open-mine pit. True to what others claim, Sohoton Cove National Park is captivating! But of course, one […]